Update Profile

You can update your profile by filling out the form below.

[memb_update_form success_url="/uyp-your-account/"]

First Name

Last Name

Business Address

Address Line 1

Address Line 2





Company Name

Skype ID

AutoResponder You Use

Target Market

Desired PLR Format

Keywords and Niche Specific References

Desired Call-To-Action

Additional Instructions

PayPal Email Address

Do you use Google Drive?

Yes No

Do you use Dropbox?

Yes No


Need to Change Your Password?

[memb_change_password password1label= "Enter a New Password:" password2label="Confirm the New Password:"]

Need to Change Your Email?

[memb_change_email email1label="Enter Email Address" email2label="Enter your Email Address again" buttontext="Change my Email"]